Ephesians 4:15-32 What's that Noise? - Pastor David McGee

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Ephesians 4:15-32 What's that Noise?Bible

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Pastor David McGee

Date Taught: July 3, 2016

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Life Lessons Referenced
Life Lesson (Ephesians 4:26)

Anger is not sin but easily leads to sin.

Life Lesson (Ephesians 4:27)

Let go of yesterday, it is the past, there are no real answers there.

Life Lesson (Ephesians 4:32)

It is so important to be a blessing to people, you never know who is cursing them.

Selected Notes/Illustrations
Aleph 1 The picture is of an Ox, Bull. It means strength, leader, first. What is first, what is important, where you get your strength.

1-I am the Lord your God, you shall have no other Gods before me.
Bet 2 The picture is of a house. It means a family, house, what's inside.

2-You shall not make any graven images.
Gimel 3 The picture is of a camel. It means to lift up, to exalt.

3-You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
Dalet 4 The picture is of a door. It means the door, the way, the path.

4-Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
Hey 5 The picture is of a window. It means to behold, to reveal, the Holy Spirit.

5-Honor your father and your mother.
Vav 6 The picture is of a nail. It means to secure, to not let go, a hook, a nail.

6-Thou shalt not murder.
Zayin 7 The picture is of a weapon. It means to cut, a weapon, to separate.

7-Thou shalt not commit adultery.
Chet 8 The picture is of a fence. It means to protect, to keep in.

8-Thou shalt not steal.
Tet 9 The picture is of a snake. It means to surround, a snake.

9-Thou shalt not bear false witness.
Yod 10 The picture is of an open hand. It means to create, work, God, to make with your hands.

10-Thou shalt not covet.
Verses Referenced and Teaching Notes
James 3:8-11 NKJV
8 But no man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. 9 With it we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God. 10 Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so. 11 Does a spring send forth fresh water and bitter from the same opening?

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